

Special awards to Pia Covre e Carla Corso In occasione della 74.Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografia nell’ambito della programmazione di Isola Edipo Re 30 agosto #day1 ore 18.00 Presentazione del programma Isola Edipo 2017 e del Manifesto per l’Inclusione...
Not Bad Migrants – Red Umbrella Fund

Not Bad Migrants – Red Umbrella Fund

“The passport you hold determines a lot of your privileges, access and protection. I have always been able to benefit from a blue American passport— never being questioned while traveling, never having much difficulty obtaining a work or study visa abroad. My...


Tampep Network is alive and kicking! Congratz to our five new Steering Committee members who will not be publicly announced because of safety and privacy issues. We are delighted to have a migrant sex worker-led Steering Committee to further continue our history and...