Statement 7. Colombian sex worker in Italy

Statement 7. Colombian sex worker in Italy

I hope that things will get better in that country that has welcomed me so warmly. However, stigmatisation is always present. I am a trans-girl and don’t have the same rights as other people.
Statement 8. Romanian sex worker in Germany

Statement 8. Romanian sex worker in Germany

As a Romanian you already carry a label, being a sex worker on top of that, it’s a disaster. Not all girls have pimps, not all are forced and not all do sex work without wanting to. I like what I do, for me it is like a social job. I receive and I give. I hope...
Statement 9. Brazilian sex worker in Italv

Statement 9. Brazilian sex worker in Italv

What society is this, that criminalizes, discriminates, persecutes and excludes, yet at the same time takes advantage of our business? I would like to ask political representatives to be more sensitive to our cause, to remember that we are also citizens. They should...
Weg mit der Freierbestrafung

Weg mit der Freierbestrafung

The BSD, the Federal Association Sexual Services in Berlin, Germany (Bundesverband Sexuelle Dienstleistungen e. V.) has launched the campaign “Weg mit der Freierbestrafung”. The campaign focuses on fighting for the rights of clients of sexual services,...
International Whores Day

International Whores Day

For decriminalization. Against the stigma. For rights and respect. International Whores Day  |  ACTIONS  |  June 2, 2022 On June 2nd 2022, the International Whores Day, TAMPEP continues its campaign for the rights of...