The TAMPEP Network call on individuals and organisations to support the following demands for change based on the values and legal responsibility stemming from the European Convention on Human Rights.
1. Guarantee barrier-free access to healthcare services for all, including migrant sex workers and other potentially criminalised communities in accordance with UNAIDS, UNHCR, IOM and WHO recommendations.
2. Guarantee access to full vaccination for undocumented migrants, with no administrative and/or immigration requirements. Produce free multilingual information accessible before and while vaccinating migrant communities.
3. Guarantee access to public services without penalisation or risk of deportation.
4. Guarantee access to funding for community based services and organisations advocating for migrant sex workers’ rights.
5. Stop using pandemic regulations to unfairly arrest, detain, heavily fine and deport migrant sex workers.
6. Ensure no person is held in breach of visa conditions for overstaying due to reasons related to COVID-19, and released though held in detention under immigration powers, to reduce risk of COVID-19 outbreaks and humanitarian catastrophe.
7. Enforce migration policies that are inclusive and respectful of the Human Rights of migrant Sex Workers while guaranteeing their legal protection.
Migrant communities, regardless of status, have the right to life, liberty, and security of person. They have the right to be free from discrimination and to have an adequate standard of living.
Yet migrant sex workers have been left out in the cold by national governments and European official. They cannot wait any longer.
We call upon you to stand against injustice and to demand a Europe where we stand by a humane moral code that is inclusive of society’s most vulnerable.
We call upon you to support our call to action.