Why Sex Work Should Not Be A Crime

1. Stigma and violence against sex workers is fueled by the fact that sex work is a crime.

2. Because sex work is a crime, sex workers are denied protection by police and the courts.

3. Risks that sex workers may face ─ such as violence, extortion, kidnapping or confinement ─ are already against the law.

4. Because sex work is a crime, sex workers must work alone or incriminate their associates.

5. Because sex work is a crime, sex workers are discriminated against and face social exclusion.

6. Because sex work is a crime, sex workers are denied protection under labour law.

7. Sex workers’ access to healthcare that is relevant and non-judgmental is hindered by the fact that sex work is a crime.

8. Laws that make sex work a crime infringe upon our sexual freedom, in particular, the freedom to set the terms under which we agree to have sex.

9. Because sex work is a crime, sex workers’ choices for work are severely limited.

10. Any new law that would make buying sex a crime would limit sex workers’ ability to earn an living and would not protect sex workers from harm.

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