We believe it is fundamental to help now, immediately, sex workers who are most in need. 


Launch of Italian Sex Worker Emergency Fund

Pia Covre and Carla Corso, the historical leaders of the movement for the rights of prostitutes in Italy, inform about the situation in which sex workers in Italy currently find themselves with the Covid 19 crisis. 

“There is a widespread solidarity network managed by volunteers all over Italy, who deliver food to the needy. What we must fight for is to make sure that everyone has access to state subsidies through the municipalities.

This is the reason why we addressed Prime Minister Conte with an appeal against the discrimination of sex workers in Italy, because municipalities are not the same, and especially in the north, there is a tendency to discriminate non-residents.

This fundraising campaign aims to help with expenses that are not covered by anyone, such as rents, bills, and medicines.” 

Fundraiser can be accessed here 

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