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Overview of Sex Work in Europe https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhBymvNPNdmXdGhBcm1SelRWSWJXMkloT2Izdm0xTUE&output=html&gid=42Welcome to Google Docs Tampep Network Facebook page

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La Strada International

Yesterday, 9 April 2013, La Strada International took part in the launch of the Global Human Trafficking Hotline Network in Washington, DC, USA. The network is financially supported by the Google Impact Awards and starts with a partnership between LSI, the Polaris...

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SWOU Scotland April 2013

The programme of the Sex Worker Open University event is available online! Fabulous! GLASGOW, Schotland Friday 5th – wednesday 10th april 2013 http://www.sexworkeropenuniversity.com/swou-scotland-april-2013.htmlSWOU Scotland April 2013Sex Worker Open University (SWOU)...

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Sex Worker Fest-Schedule 2013

The deadline for submissions to the San Francisco Sex Worker Film and Arts Fest (May 18-26) has passed, but they are still looking for volunteers! For more information and a tentative program, follow the link below.Sex Worker Fest-Schedule 2013 Tampep Network Facebook...

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Desiree Alliance: Call for Proposals

Desiree Alliance: Call for Proposals

DEADLINE EXTENSION: The 5th National Desiree Alliance Conference ("The Audacity of Health: Sex Work, Health, and Politics") its taking place in Las Vegas, Nevada from July 14-19, and the deadline for presentation proposals has been extended until April 1. Click the...

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Making Sex Work

Making Sex Work

"Feminism" vs Sex Work http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=2TdEYqOZY_ESub my girls : http://www.youtube.com/user/FactVsReligion http://www.youtube.com/user/ghostofdayinperson http://www.youtube.com/user/healthyaddict http://www... Tampep Network...

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Indoors Project

The products of Indoors project are ready and available through the link: http://www.indoors-project.eu/ Indoors ProjectTHE PROJECTThe INDOORS project exists since January 2009. The project is financed by the European Union, in the framework of the Daphne III...

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Hello @ll, TAMPEP team hopes you liked our advocacy video EQUAL RIGHTS (available in 17 languages). Please send us some comments on it, so that we know better what sex workers and organizations that work with/for sex workers think of. Many thanks for your...

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Ukraine to lead the AIDS response in Eastern Europe

Ukraine to lead the AIDS response in Eastern Europe

TAMPEP is active in Ukraine together with the NGO SALUS and shares the news: http://www.unaids.org/en/resources/presscentre/featurestories/2012/september/20120913ukraine/ Ukraine to lead the AIDS response in Eastern EuropeA senior delegation from Ukraine led by the...

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TAMPEP, the European Network for the Promotion of Rights and Health among Migrant Sex Workers, welcomes sex worker-led groups and allied organisations to join its network.

Please complete the application form by clicking: Tampep membership application