Share your views

Share your views

Share your views on the workplan of The European Union for Fundamental Rights (FRA) The FRA have announced a consultation in support of the development of its work planning for 2021. We encourage all TAMPEP members and supporters of the rights of migrant sex workers...
Call for contributions to TAMPEP Newsletter

Call for contributions to TAMPEP Newsletter

Call for contributions to TAMPEP Newsletter on Regional Issues for Migrant and Mobile Sex Workers’ to be released on International Sex Workers’ Rights Day     Dear TAMPEP members, supporters and friends, On the 2nd of June 1975, sex workers in...
Joint Statement for the EU Elections: Voices from the margins

Joint Statement for the EU Elections: Voices from the margins

“Criminalisation makes our exclusion, marginalisation and isolation worse. We demand an EU that shields us from oppression and violations of our human right to freedom and dignity. We demand an EU that ends the criminalisation and stigmatisation of marginalised...