Support sex worker activist Isabel fight violence

Support sex worker activist Isabel fight violence

TAMPEP is supporting Isabel to fight violence! Please have a look at this campaign, and support her with donations and/or spreading the word! #home Support sex worker activist Isabel...

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Ulrike Lunacek on Sex Work

Ulrike Lunacek on Sex Work

This is how we do advocacy. Member of the European Parliament supports sex workers' rights and TAMPEP's Conference! of Mrs Ulrike Lunacek to the Conecta Conference organised by TAMPEP International Foundation in...

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AHF Europe – (EU, No Retreat On HIV/AIDS)

AHF Europe – (EU, No Retreat On HIV/AIDS)

TAMPEP calling for the decriminalization of sex work and recognition of migrant sex workers' rights in the EU “Right to Health, Right to Life” conference. Tampep Network Facebook page

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Sex doesn’t sell

Sex doesn’t sell Sex doesn’t sellThe mass-market end of the business TIMES are tough for Debbie, a prostitute in western England who runs a private flat with other “mature ladies”. She does...

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News | NOW Magazine

Very sorry to hear that many sex workers' organizations were denied intervenor status is Canada's court case about anti-prostitution laws — those are the voices that need to be heard the most. Read more about the progress of the case here:...

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We Are Here To Win

We Are Here To Win

A wonderful piece by the Phillipine Sex Workers Collective! "It is time to tell the world that only sex workers could speak for sex workers. It is going to be an uphill battle against the well-oiled and well experienced machinery of the abolitionists (the feminists,...

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Interview with Carol Leigh – Sex Worker

Interview with Carol Leigh – Sex Worker Interview with Carol Leigh - Sex WorkerCarol Leight also known as Scarlot Harlot has been a sex worker and invovled in sex workers rights since the 1970s. She is the founder of the sex workers rig... Tampep Network Facebook...

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Brothel raids a waste of time: sex workers

According to Jules Kim of the Scarlet Alliance, brothel raids are a waste of time: "Instead of an evidence-based approach addressing real vulnerabilities, Australia's approach continues to try to detect the mythical trafficking victim and trafficker that is a...

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Silicon Valley’s other entrepreneurs: Sex workers

Silicon Valley’s other entrepreneurs: Sex workers

Read about how a sex worker in Silicon Valley, California uses Twitter, Facebook, and even Instagram and podcasts to market her business. Silicon Valley's other entrepreneurs: Sex workersSilicon Valley's growing adult services industry of sex workers caters to the...

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TAMPEP, the European Network for the Promotion of Rights and Health among Migrant Sex Workers, welcomes sex worker-led groups and allied organisations to join its network.

Please complete the application form by clicking: Tampep membership application